
LOOG GUITARS: Built-in amp! Augmented Reality! Monsters!

Created by Rafael Atijas

Electric guitars with a built-in amplifier and an app that teaches you to play through Augmented Reality, games and... monsters!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Confirming / Updating Your Address
over 4 years ago – Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 05:36:41 PM

Hi folks,

Some of you have asked to update your shipping address. If you need to do that (or simply double-check that you entered the correct info) you'll have to go back to your BackerKit survey and do it there. In any case, for your convenience, I'll send a direct email to each backer with instructions and links to do it. Subject line will be "Last call to update your shipping address for LOOG GUITARS: Built-in amp! Augmented Reality! Monsters!" and we'll be sending it later today. Please note you'll have 48 hours to make any changes before we lock addresses and get ready for shipment! 

And if you bought any accessories (via BackerKit or through our online store) we'll ship those together with your rewards too.

Hope this helps!



It's Happening!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 11:55:31 PM

Hey folks, hope you are all well and healthy these days. I'm glad to report that the first 2,500 guitars have been completed and are now en route to our U.S. warehouse. A bit late, I know and I apologize, but it's finally happening! 

Please see below: not the most glamorous Loog product pictures, but I know some of you will REALLY like these :)

So, the freight will arrive in the port of L.A. on September 11 and about a week later the guitars will ship from our warehouse to you. Again, I know this is a bit later than what we mentioned in our last update, but things these days simply take more time. Anyway, we really are getting there: 94% of all U.S. backers will receive their reward before the end of September. All other backers -including international backers- will receive it in October

Again, thank you for your continued support and patience through this longer-than-expected fulfillment process. I asure you we are doing our best effort in circumstances that are very different from what we had planned last year, and I'm confident you'll feel the wait was worth it once you get your guitars.

Thank you!


Video Update
over 4 years ago – Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 03:22:37 AM

Hello friends!

First, let's get this out of the way: we are still on track, and there are no new delays! 😅  

So, you may remember from our last update that the factory was sending a few faulty units for us to check. Well, we finally got them, found out what the issue was, and also found a solution :)

And we made a short video explaining and showing all about it, for all of you behind-the-scenes fans:

(At 1:06 when I say "microphone" I should have said "microscope"🤓 )

We are also working hard on the Android version of the app. It's taking a bit more time and effort than the iOS version (because of device fragmentation), but things are going reasonably well and we will have that up and running by the time we deliver the first guitars to you, in August.

Have a great weekend, folks!


Production / App / BackerKit lock
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 09:30:42 AM

Hi all! No specific production news to communicate (no news, good news!) but I wanted to keep you in the loop: the factory has confirmed that they will continue with the assembly process and finish the first 2,500 units on 7/20. That first batch should cover about 80% of your rewards, and a second batch (completing the rest of the rewards) is scheduled to be ready by 8/15. So, as stated in the update I sent last week, we are looking at an August delivery date for most of you, and September for the remaining rewards.

  We are now waiting to receive 5 defective units (hopefully by next week), and we’ll try to identify what's going on with those. We’ll keep you posted on that too; video and all, we promise.

  Also: we are completing Android development of the app! Might be ready as soon as next week! We’ll also update the iOS version and both will have the AR feature, which we have decided to call… 🥁🥁🥁... “Magic Mirror”. Watch video below to learn why :)


  We are really proud about this little AR magic we have developed and I think it will make learning chords super fun and exciting for kids and beginners. I hope you like it too.

  Other than that: tomorrow we’ll lock the BackerKit orders, so those of you who purchased accessories there will receive a notification soon. Once we do this you will not be able to modify the address by using the original link you received so it is a good time to go back and check everything is still good.

  That’s it for now, folks! As always, thank you so much for your continued patience and for your messages of support and understanding.


over 4 years ago – Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 01:51:56 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.