
LOOG GUITARS: Built-in amp! Augmented Reality! Monsters!

Created by Rafael Atijas

Electric guitars with a built-in amplifier and an app that teaches you to play through Augmented Reality, games and... monsters!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Video Update! Troubleshooting & Music (& Shipping!)
over 4 years ago – Thu, Dec 03, 2020 at 07:55:22 PM

Hello folks,

Some of you have asked and commented about noise and buzzing in the internal speaker, so I wanted to address this and see if I can help. Please watch the video below:

I also found this comment by fellow backer Lofty to be very helpful:

Thank you for taking the trouble to post this very thoughtful and helpful feedback, Lofty! 

And speaking of fellow backers, look at these AMAZING videos I got in the past few days:

Thank you Robbie and thank you Pepe!!!

But back to issues and troubleshooting: I really hope that my video helps. If after watching the video and going through the troubleshooting steps you still think there's an issue with your Loog, please write to me at ratijas at loogguitars dot com, include a short video showing the issue and we'll try to make it right! (As I explain in the video, it's easier and faster for me to reply if you send me an email than if you post a comment on Kickstarter.)

App: I'm also taking note of your comments on the app and these are very helpful. We are constantly fixing bugs and issues and posting new updates, so please keep reporting these issues. Ideally, write to support at loogguitars dot com and include a description of the issue and tell us what device and OS version you are using.  

Shipping of remaining rewards: I'm happy to say the second batch finally arrived in the warehouse in Mira Loma, California earlier today. We are now waiting that the folks at the fulfillment center process that inboud shipment so that it can ship to you. We expect this to happen through this week and that we can ship to you next Monday! 

That's it for now, folks. Thanks a million, always,


Europe Rewards & Accessories
over 4 years ago – Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 05:45:21 PM

Hello friends. Quick update re: European rewards and accessories

In the last few days we finally delivered the guitars to all our European backers!!! I know many of you also ordered accessories and I wanted to let you know that in the end, those will be shipping separately in two weeks (also from the Netherlands so no duties will be charged). I know it's been a messy process and I won't bore you again with what it's been like to deal with supply chain, freights, customs clearance and shipping delays this year... I just want to thank you for your patience and support. So: for those backers in Europe: you should have received your guitars already and the accessories are coming in two weeks. (For guitars pre-ordered via BackerKit, those will also ship within two weeks.)

U.S. and rest-of-world backers who have not received the guitars yet: the guitars are shceduled to be delivered in the warehouse next Tuesday (December 1st) and we expect to ship ALL remaining rewards by the week of December 7th. Thank you for your patience and support and happy thanksgiving to those celebrating!


Remaining Rewards
over 4 years ago – Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 12:27:29 AM

Hello all!

Apologies for taking so long to post a new update, but here I am and this is the current status with shipment:

3 weeks ago we finally shipped 2,500 guitars to the first lucky backers! You've been so patient and supportive through this wait and have made us extremely happy and relieved with your kind messages once you got your rewards! Here are a few photos and videos we got; hopefully these will give you reassurance and not just make all of you still waiting to get your guitar jealous! 😅

Some of you have asked, so I'd like to confirm that we are shipping on a first backed, first served basis. With that said, there were some exceptions due to these factors:

  • The first 2,500 guitars contained units of all models and all colors. However, the color/model split that the factory had ready in that first batch was not an exact match of the color/model split of the first 2,500 orders. It was close enough, but there were a few models (mainly Loog Pro models) that were a bit underrepresented in that shipment.
  •  European backers: in order to make this a European friendly campaign, we shipped in bulk to a warehouse in The Netherlands first. In this way, our European backers avoid paying import duties. I'm happy to report that the vessel arrived in the port of Rotterdam on November 7 and we are now waiting for the container to clear customs and be delivered in the warehouse (in Waalwijk, Netherlands) so that we can ship to you hopefully within 2 weeks.
  •  Uruguay: we are doing the same with Uruguay, my home country :) Guitars arrived in Montevideo last week and we'll ship to you fellow Uruguayan backers next week! Tranquilo nosotro... 
  •  Australia: same with our backers down under. We are shipping in bulk and this is the current status: the vessel finally departed form the port of Qingdao (China) last week and is expected to arrive in the port of Sydney on November 23. We actually had these guitars ready for a while now, but that's the situation with shipments from China these days: they'll schedule you for a vessel departing on October 5th, then on that day they will tell you that they had to push it to October 20th, and so on... Anyhow, we can confirm that the vessel has finally departed and we should be able to ship to our Australian backers (from within Australia) by the second week of December at the latest.

Second & Final Batch: All Remaining Rewards

The second and final batch that will cover all remaining rewards from Kickstarter (except Europe, Uruguay and Australia, which I covered before) and BackerKit pre-orders is arriving in the port of L.A. on November 13. This would allow us to have the guitars in the warehouse and ship to you around the last week of November. However, the warehouse actually has a scheduled non-receiving period from November 18 till December 8 (this is not due to Covid; they do this every year to prepare for the holiday season workload), so if we are not able to deliver the guitars in the warehouse by November 18, we'd have to wait till the week of December 8th to ship to you... we'll be on top of it trying to make it before November 18 but it's 2020 so I guess we can't be too optimistic about a sooner-than-expected outcome...

Anyway, while these fulfillment process has been far from ideal, we are getting there and by the second week of December at the latest we expect to have shipped all rewards. 

Hope this works for you. Apologies again for the delay in posting this and thanks so much for your patience and support through this whole process.



Shipping Update
over 4 years ago – Mon, Oct 05, 2020 at 11:04:24 AM

Hi there,

It's been a whole week of harassing UPS to fix this mess and there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel now: two days ago UPS was able to clean things up with customs (you might remember that the issue was that they had filed the paperwork to clear customs both in L.A. and Oakland, and that created a conflict that had the container stuck in customs for almost 3 weeks) and now it looks like we'll finally start shipping to you by the end of next week.

For the sake of transparency, and to keep you in the loop, here's a couple screenshots from our emails with UPS. Just a few samples of what has been an intense exchange both by email and phone.

And here's another thread:

Anyway, as I said, the customs issue is now solved and we are now waiting for the guitars to arrive in the warehouse. We were hoping that this would happen this week, but it now looks like it will arrive Tuesday or Wednesday, and then as soon as the fulfillment center is able to complete the receiving process we should be able to ship to you. As mentioned before, this first batch covers around 92% of all rewards. The remaining rewards (including those to European backers) are still expected to ship by the end of October and early November. 

Thanks again for your patience and continued support. Have a great weekend!



Shipping Update
over 4 years ago – Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 12:01:41 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.